Lunch and dinner is available up to 7 days per week, 365 days a year.
Lunch is a nutritious sandwich, salad and fruit. (Sandwich only on Sundays).
Entrees are prepared from scratch with plenty of healthy ingredients. There are also side dishes, a roll, milk and a delicious dessert. (Entree only on Sundays).
Our vegetables are fresh or frozen. We regularly receive fresh produce and baked goods from local shops.
Meals are planned with the help of a Registered Dietitian so they adhere to dietary guidelines for seniors and the infirm.
We can accommodate vegetarians and those with allergies or dietary issues such as diabetes. Unfortunately, we can’t always accommodate food preferences.

Volunteers deliver meals on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings generally between 10:30am - 12:00pm. Clients can choose to greet our driver or use a cooler where we’ll place the food if you are unable to get to the door or will be out during our delivery time.

The Extras
Holiday Meals
We celebrate major holidays with a delicious, special meal for all clients. For example we might offer filet mignon, scalloped potatoes and shrimp cocktail for Christmas, turkey for Thanksgiving and lamb for Easter. We provide themed meals on other holidays such as corned beef on St. Patrick’s Day and barbecued chicken on the 4th of July.

The Special Touch
Our clients are precious to us and we make sure they know it!
o Birthday gift bags and a special dessert
o Holiday gifts donated by local organizations
o Lunch bags decorated by volunteers or school children
o Emergency bags at the start of the winter season